Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I'm proud to announce the beginning of a process that will culminate in the alpha release of Perl on Poles (0.01).

PoP is a fully integrated meta framework. Designed only during periods of intense safety, PoP enables people to create web services without even paying attention. Because PoP uses the dynamic language Perl, the workhorse of the internet, throughout the stack, you can focus your thoughts on your task de jour with even the shortest attention span.

Because PoP can integrate with any existing technology, you can do a lot with not much. Add to this that Perl on Poles is optimized for fun, and you can't loose.

Perl on Poles is comprised of several Underlying Packages, which do stuff for you. The core PoPUPs provide: session state serialization, an integrated web framework and the ability to do everything else.

After Perl on Poles finishes it's beta period (date TBD), it will be adopted by most internet websites.


Tired of slaving away trying to get your Ruby on Rails app to work? Tired of the frustrating eigenclass dance? You'll appreciate the following features:

  • XMLng - Putting XML in it's place: where you don't look at it (with 27% less situps! than our competitors)
  • 100% Web 2.0 compliant!
  • integrated wikiwyg
  • built in support for JSAN
  • integrated bit torrent support
  • a synergistic union with CPAN
  • a friendly rivalry with competing frameworks based on a shared distrust for q(.net)
  • a friendship with Pugs
  • an animated series based on the lead characters
  • a truly integrated stack

Project Members

  • Luke Closs - Chief PoPo - Chief Perl on Poles Officer
  • Chris Simmons - Deputy PoPo
  • Jonagh Fairbrother
  • Kevin "KJo" Jones - PoPoP (Perl on Poles official Podcaster)
  • Orlando (or Lando) V.


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